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Atlantis Rising Magazine - 95 September/October 2012【電子書籍】





<p>In this edition:</p> <p>Letters</p> <p>Alternative News</p> <p>Jeane Manning - Tiny Tornadoes of Magnetism</p> <p>Michael Cremo - The ‘Tooth’ Is Out There</p> <p>Hominid Hokum - Do We Know What We Think We Know About Our Ancestors?</p> <p>Subterranean Cappadocia - Mysterious Ancient Underground CitiesーIce Age Shelters?</p> <p>Soul Stuff - Are Deathbed Mists the Soul Departing?</p> <p>Jesse James: Secret Agent- Preserving the Confederacy with Bank Robbery and Murder</p> <p>Plato and the Near Death Experience</p> <p>Rudolph Steiner and Visible Speech</p> <p>Norsemen in Minnesota</p> <p>The Atlantis Connection? - Strange Genetic Links Between North America and the Ancient Middle East</p> <p>The Great Pyramid’s Missing Capstone - It Was There Once, but What Happened to It?</p> <p>Lucid Dreams - When the Stuff of Dreams Becomes More than Real</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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